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Vert.x 2.1.6 released !

The Vert.x team is pleased to announce the release of Vert.x 2.1.6.

This is a maintenance release on the 2.x branch that fixes a few bugs and is designed for Vert.x 2 production users who cannot upgrade to 3.0 immediately.

For the latest production version for new projects please see Vert.x 3.0.

Fixes in this release include:

  • runZip - fix bugs in unpacking zips
  • HttpClient - make sure writeHead is set to true before connect
  • Upgrade to Hazelcast 3.5 to fix bug in Multimap state.
  • Workaround for Hazelcast bug which could result in inconsistent cluster state if multiple nodes shutdown concurrently
  • Clustering fixes related to clearing up state in case of event bus connections closing and on close of event bus.
  • Fix message replies to nodes other than the node the SockJS bridge is deployed on.

The artifacts has been deployed to Maven Central, and you can get the distribution on Bintray.