vertx / io.vertx.kotlin.core.cli / Argument


fun Argument(argName: String? = null, defaultValue: String? = null, description: String? = null, hidden: Boolean? = null, index: Int? = null, multiValued: Boolean? = null, required: Boolean? = null): Argument

A function providing a DSL for building io.vertx.core.cli.Argument objects.

Defines a command line argument. Unlike options, argument don't have names and are identified using an index. The first index is 0 (because we are in the computer world).


argName - Sets the argument name of this io.vertx.core.cli.Argument.

defaultValue - Sets the default value of this io.vertx.core.cli.Argument.

description - Sets the description of the io.vertx.core.cli.Argument.

hidden - Sets whether or not the current io.vertx.core.cli.Argument is hidden.

index - Sets the argument index.

multiValued - Sets whether or not the argument can receive several values. Only the last argument can receive several values.

required - Sets whether or not the current io.vertx.core.cli.Argument is required.