vertx / io.vertx.kotlin.core.file / OpenOptions


fun OpenOptions(append: Boolean? = null, create: Boolean? = null, createNew: Boolean? = null, deleteOnClose: Boolean? = null, dsync: Boolean? = null, perms: String? = null, read: Boolean? = null, sparse: Boolean? = null, sync: Boolean? = null, truncateExisting: Boolean? = null, write: Boolean? = null): OpenOptions

A function providing a DSL for building io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions objects.

Describes how an io.vertx.core.file.AsyncFile should be opened.


append - Whether the file should be opened in append mode. Defaults to false.

create - Set whether the file should be created if it does not already exist.

createNew - Set whether the file should be created and fail if it does exist already.

deleteOnClose - Set whether the file should be deleted when it's closed, or the JVM is shutdown.

dsync - Set whether every write to the file's content ill be written synchronously to the underlying hardware.

perms - Set the permissions string

read - Set whether the file is to be opened for reading

sparse - Set whether a hint should be provided that the file to created is sparse

sync - Set whether every write to the file's content and meta-data will be written synchronously to the underlying hardware.

truncateExisting - Set whether the file should be truncated to zero length on opening if it exists and is opened for write

write - Set whether the file is to be opened for writing