suspend fun FileSystem.chmodAwait(path: String, perms: String): Unit
Change the permissions on the file represented by path to perms, asynchronously. |
suspend fun FileSystem.chmodRecursiveAwait(path: String, perms: String, dirPerms: String): Unit
Change the permissions on the file represented by path to perms, asynchronously. The permission String takes the form rwxr-x--- as specified in {here}. |
suspend fun FileSystem.chownAwait(path: String, user: String, group: String): Unit
Change the ownership on the file represented by path to user and {code group}, asynchronously. |
suspend fun FileSystem.copyAwait(from: String, to: String): Unit suspend fun FileSystem.copyAwait(from: String, to: String, options: CopyOptions): Unit
Copy a file from the path from to path to, asynchronously. |
suspend fun FileSystem.copyRecursiveAwait(from: String, to: String, recursive: Boolean): Unit
Copy a file from the path from to path to, asynchronously. |
suspend fun FileSystem.createFileAwait(path: String): Unit
Creates an empty file with the specified path, asynchronously. suspend fun FileSystem.createFileAwait(path: String, perms: String): Unit
Creates an empty file with the specified path and permissions perms, asynchronously. |
suspend fun FileSystem.createTempDirectoryAwait(prefix: String): String suspend fun FileSystem.createTempDirectoryAwait(prefix: String, perms: String): String
Creates a new directory in the default temporary-file directory, using the given prefix to generate its name, asynchronously. suspend fun FileSystem.createTempDirectoryAwait(dir: String, prefix: String, perms: String): String
Creates a new directory in the directory provided by the path path, using the given prefix to generate its name, asynchronously. |
suspend fun FileSystem.createTempFileAwait(prefix: String, suffix: String): String
Creates a new file in the default temporary-file directory, using the given prefix and suffix to generate its name, asynchronously. suspend fun FileSystem.createTempFileAwait(prefix: String, suffix: String, perms: String): String suspend fun FileSystem.createTempFileAwait(dir: String, prefix: String, suffix: String, perms: String): String
Creates a new file in the directory provided by the path dir, using the given prefix and suffix to generate its name, asynchronously. |
suspend fun FileSystem.deleteAwait(path: String): Unit
Deletes the file represented by the specified path, asynchronously. |
suspend fun FileSystem.deleteRecursiveAwait(path: String, recursive: Boolean): Unit
Deletes the file represented by the specified path, asynchronously. |
suspend fun FileSystem.existsAwait(path: String): Boolean
Determines whether the file as specified by the path path exists, asynchronously. |
suspend fun FileSystem.fsPropsAwait(path: String): FileSystemProps
Returns properties of the file-system being used by the specified path, asynchronously. |
suspend fun FileSystem.linkAwait(link: String, existing: String): Unit
Create a hard link on the file system from link to existing, asynchronously. |
suspend fun FileSystem.lpropsAwait(path: String): FileProps
Obtain properties for the link represented by path, asynchronously. |
suspend fun FileSystem.mkdirAwait(path: String): Unit suspend fun FileSystem.mkdirAwait(path: String, perms: String): Unit
Create the directory represented by path, asynchronously. |
suspend fun FileSystem.mkdirsAwait(path: String): Unit suspend fun FileSystem.mkdirsAwait(path: String, perms: String): Unit
Create the directory represented by path and any non existent parents, asynchronously. |
suspend fun FileSystem.moveAwait(from: String, to: String): Unit suspend fun FileSystem.moveAwait(from: String, to: String, options: CopyOptions): Unit
Move a file from the path from to path to, asynchronously. |
suspend fun FileSystem.openAwait(path: String, options: OpenOptions): AsyncFile
Open the file represented by path, asynchronously. |
suspend fun FileSystem.propsAwait(path: String): FileProps
Obtain properties for the file represented by path, asynchronously. |
suspend fun FileSystem.readDirAwait(path: String): List<String> suspend fun FileSystem.readDirAwait(path: String, filter: String): List<String>
Read the contents of the directory specified by path, asynchronously. |
suspend fun FileSystem.readFileAwait(path: String): Buffer
Reads the entire file as represented by the path path as a , asynchronously. |
suspend fun FileSystem.readSymlinkAwait(link: String): String
Returns the path representing the file that the symbolic link specified by link points to, asynchronously. |
suspend fun FileSystem.symlinkAwait(link: String, existing: String): Unit
Create a symbolic link on the file system from link to existing, asynchronously. |
suspend fun FileSystem.truncateAwait(path: String, len: Long): Unit
Truncate the file represented by path to length len in bytes, asynchronously. |
suspend fun FileSystem.unlinkAwait(link: String): Unit
Unlinks the link on the file system represented by the path link, asynchronously. |
suspend fun FileSystem.writeFileAwait(path: String, data: Buffer): Unit
Creates the file, and writes the specified Buffer data to the file represented by the path path, asynchronously. |