suspend fun Counter.addAndGetAwait(: Long): Long
Add the value to the counter atomically and return the new count |
suspend fun Counter.compareAndSetAwait(: Long, : Long): Boolean
Set the counter to the specified value only if the current value is the expectec value. This happens atomically. |
suspend fun Counter.decrementAndGetAwait(): Long
Decrement the counter atomically and return the new count |
suspend fun Counter.getAndAddAwait(: Long): Long
Add the value to the counter atomically and return the value before the add |
suspend fun Counter.getAndIncrementAwait(): Long
Increment the counter atomically and return the value before the increment. |
suspend fun Counter.getAwait(): Long
Get the current value of the counter |
suspend fun Counter.incrementAndGetAwait(): Long
Increment the counter atomically and return the new count |