vertx / io.vertx.kotlin.core / DeploymentOptions


fun DeploymentOptions(config: JsonObject? = null, extraClasspath: Iterable<String>? = null, ha: Boolean? = null, instances: Int? = null, isolatedClasses: Iterable<String>? = null, isolationGroup: String? = null, maxWorkerExecuteTime: Long? = null, maxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit: TimeUnit? = null, multiThreaded: Boolean? = null, worker: Boolean? = null, workerPoolName: String? = null, workerPoolSize: Int? = null): DeploymentOptions

A function providing a DSL for building io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions objects.

Options for configuring a verticle deployment.


config - Set the JSON configuration that will be passed to the verticle(s) when it's deployed

extraClasspath - Set any extra classpath to be used when deploying the verticle. Ignored if no isolation group is set.

ha - Set whether the verticle(s) will be deployed as HA.

instances - Set the number of instances that should be deployed.

isolatedClasses - Set the isolated class names.

isolationGroup - Set the isolation group that will be used when deploying the verticle(s)

maxWorkerExecuteTime - Sets the value of max worker execute time, in io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions. The default value of io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions is

maxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit - Set the time unit of maxWorkerExecuteTime

multiThreaded - Set whether the verticle(s) should be deployed as a multi-threaded worker verticle. WARNING: Multi-threaded worker verticles are a deprecated feature. Most applications will have no need for them. Because of the concurrency in these verticles you have to be very careful to keep the verticle in a consistent state using standard Java techniques for multi-threaded programming. You can read the documentation that explains how you can replace this feature by the usage of custom worker pools or executeBlocking calls.

worker - Set whether the verticle(s) should be deployed as a worker verticle

workerPoolName - Set the worker pool name to use for this verticle. When no name is set, the Vert.x worker pool will be used, when a name is set, the verticle will use a named worker pool.

workerPoolSize - Set the maximum number of worker threads to be used by the Vert.x instance.