vertx / io.vertx.kotlin.core / VertxOptions


fun VertxOptions(addressResolverOptions: AddressResolverOptions? = null, blockedThreadCheckInterval: Long? = null, blockedThreadCheckIntervalUnit: TimeUnit? = null, clusterHost: String? = null, clusterPingInterval: Long? = null, clusterPingReplyInterval: Long? = null, clusterPort: Int? = null, clusterPublicHost: String? = null, clusterPublicPort: Int? = null, clustered: Boolean? = null, eventBusOptions: EventBusOptions? = null, eventLoopPoolSize: Int? = null, fileResolverCachingEnabled: Boolean? = null, fileSystemOptions: FileSystemOptions? = null, haEnabled: Boolean? = null, haGroup: String? = null, internalBlockingPoolSize: Int? = null, maxEventLoopExecuteTime: Long? = null, maxEventLoopExecuteTimeUnit: TimeUnit? = null, maxWorkerExecuteTime: Long? = null, maxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit: TimeUnit? = null, metricsOptions: MetricsOptions? = null, preferNativeTransport: Boolean? = null, quorumSize: Int? = null, warningExceptionTime: Long? = null, warningExceptionTimeUnit: TimeUnit? = null, workerPoolSize: Int? = null): VertxOptions

A function providing a DSL for building io.vertx.core.VertxOptions objects.

Instances of this class are used to configure io.vertx.core.Vertx instances.


addressResolverOptions - Sets the address resolver configuration to configure resolving DNS servers, cache TTL, etc...

blockedThreadCheckInterval - Sets the value of blocked thread check period, in io.vertx.core.VertxOptions. The default value of io.vertx.core.VertxOptions is

blockedThreadCheckIntervalUnit - Set the time unit of blockedThreadCheckInterval.

clusterHost - Set the hostname to be used for clustering.

clusterPingInterval - Set the value of cluster ping interval, in ms.

clusterPingReplyInterval - Set the value of cluster ping reply interval, in ms.

clusterPort - Set the port to be used for clustering.

clusterPublicHost - Set the public facing hostname to be used for clustering. Sometimes, e.g. when running on certain clouds, the local address the server listens on for clustering is not the same address that other nodes connect to it at, as the OS / cloud infrastructure does some kind of proxying. If this is the case you can specify a public hostname which is different from the hostname the server listens at. The default value is null which means use the same as the cluster hostname.

clusterPublicPort - See io.vertx.core.VertxOptions for an explanation.

clustered - Set whether or not the Vert.x instance will be clustered.

eventBusOptions - Sets the event bus configuration to configure the host, port, ssl...

eventLoopPoolSize - Set the number of event loop threads to be used by the Vert.x instance.

fileResolverCachingEnabled - Set whether the Vert.x file resolver uses caching for classpath resources. Deprecated. Use FileSystemOptions instead.

fileSystemOptions - Set the file system options

haEnabled - Set whether HA will be enabled on the Vert.x instance.

haGroup - Set the HA group to be used when HA is enabled.

internalBlockingPoolSize - Set the value of internal blocking pool size

maxEventLoopExecuteTime - Sets the value of max event loop execute time, in io.vertx.core.VertxOptions. The default value of io.vertx.core.VertxOptionsis

maxEventLoopExecuteTimeUnit - Set the time unit of maxEventLoopExecuteTime.

maxWorkerExecuteTime - Sets the value of max worker execute time, in io.vertx.core.VertxOptions. The default value of io.vertx.core.VertxOptions is

maxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit - Set the time unit of maxWorkerExecuteTime.

metricsOptions - Set the metrics options

preferNativeTransport - Set wether to prefer the native transport to the JDK transport.

quorumSize - Set the quorum size to be used when HA is enabled.

warningExceptionTime - Set the threshold value above this, the blocked warning contains a stack trace. in io.vertx.core.VertxOptions. The default value of io.vertx.core.VertxOptions is

warningExceptionTimeUnit - Set the time unit of warningExceptionTime.

workerPoolSize - Set the maximum number of worker threads to be used by the Vert.x instance.