suspend fun Vertx.closeAwait(): Unit
Like io.vertx.core.Vertx but the completionHandler will be called when the close is complete |
suspend fun Vertx.deployVerticleAwait(name: String): String
Like io.vertx.core.Vertx but the completionHandler will be notified when the deployment is complete. suspend fun Vertx.deployVerticleAwait(name: String, options: DeploymentOptions): String
Like io.vertx.core.Vertx but io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions are provided to configure the deployment. |
suspend fun <T> Vertx.executeBlockingAwait(blockingCodeHandler: Handler<Future<T>>, ordered: Boolean): T?
Safely execute some blocking code. suspend fun <T> Vertx.executeBlockingAwait(blockingCodeHandler: Handler<Future<T>>): T?
Like io.vertx.core.Vertx called with ordered = true. |
suspend fun Vertx.undeployAwait(deploymentID: String): Unit
Like io.vertx.core.Vertxio.vertx.core.Vertx but the completionHandler will be notified when the undeployment is complete. |