vertx / io.vertx.kotlin.ext.consul / PreparedQueryExecuteResponse


fun PreparedQueryExecuteResponse(dc: String? = null, dnsTtl: String? = null, failovers: Int? = null, nodes: Iterable<ServiceEntry>? = null, service: String? = null): PreparedQueryExecuteResponse

A function providing a DSL for building io.vertx.ext.consul.PreparedQueryExecuteResponse objects.

The results of executing prepared query


dc - Set the datacenter that ultimately provided the list of nodes

dnsTtl - Set the TTL duration when query results are served over DNS. If this is specified, it will take precedence over any Consul agent-specific configuration.

failovers - Set the number of remote datacenters that were queried while executing the query.

nodes - Set the list of healthy nodes providing the given service, as specified by the constraints of the prepared query.

service - Set the service name that the query was selecting. This is useful for context in case an empty list of nodes is returned.