vertx / io.vertx.kotlin.ext.dropwizard / DropwizardMetricsOptions


fun DropwizardMetricsOptions(baseName: String? = null, configPath: String? = null, enabled: Boolean? = null, jmxDomain: String? = null, jmxEnabled: Boolean? = null, monitoredEventBusHandlers: Iterable<Match>? = null, monitoredHttpClientEndpoints: Iterable<Match>? = null, monitoredHttpClientUris: Iterable<Match>? = null, monitoredHttpServerUris: Iterable<Match>? = null, registryName: String? = null): DropwizardMetricsOptions

A function providing a DSL for building io.vertx.ext.dropwizard.DropwizardMetricsOptions objects.

Vert.x Dropwizard metrics configuration.


baseName - Set a custom baseName for metrics.

configPath - Set the path for a config file that contains options in JSON format, to be used to create a new options object. The file will be looked for on the file system first and then on the classpath if it's not found.

enabled - Set whether metrics will be enabled on the Vert.x instance.

jmxDomain - Set the JMX domain to use when JMX metrics are enabled.

jmxEnabled - Set whether JMX will be enabled on the Vert.x instance.

monitoredEventBusHandlers - Add a monitored event bus handler.

monitoredHttpClientEndpoints - Add an monitored http client endpoint.

monitoredHttpClientUris - Add an monitored http client uri.

monitoredHttpServerUris - Add an monitored http server uri.

registryName - Set the name used for registering the metrics in the Dropwizard shared registry.