vertx / / HttpTermOptions


fun HttpTermOptions(acceptBacklog: Int? = null, acceptUnmaskedFrames: Boolean? = null, alpnVersions: Iterable<HttpVersion>? = null, charset: String? = null, clientAuth: ClientAuth? = null, clientAuthRequired: Boolean? = null, compressionLevel: Int? = null, compressionSupported: Boolean? = null, crlPaths: Iterable<String>? = null, crlValues: Iterable<Buffer>? = null, decoderInitialBufferSize: Int? = null, decompressionSupported: Boolean? = null, enabledCipherSuites: Iterable<String>? = null, enabledSecureTransportProtocols: Iterable<String>? = null, handle100ContinueAutomatically: Boolean? = null, host: String? = null, http2ConnectionWindowSize: Int? = null, idleTimeout: Int? = null, idleTimeoutUnit: TimeUnit? = null, initialSettings: Http2Settings? = null, intputrc: String? = null, jdkSslEngineOptions: JdkSSLEngineOptions? = null, keyStoreOptions: JksOptions? = null, logActivity: Boolean? = null, maxChunkSize: Int? = null, maxHeaderSize: Int? = null, maxInitialLineLength: Int? = null, maxWebsocketFrameSize: Int? = null, maxWebsocketMessageSize: Int? = null, openSslEngineOptions: OpenSSLEngineOptions? = null, pemKeyCertOptions: PemKeyCertOptions? = null, pemTrustOptions: PemTrustOptions? = null, perFrameWebsocketCompressionSupported: Boolean? = null, perMessageWebsocketCompressionSupported: Boolean? = null, pfxKeyCertOptions: PfxOptions? = null, pfxTrustOptions: PfxOptions? = null, port: Int? = null, receiveBufferSize: Int? = null, reuseAddress: Boolean? = null, reusePort: Boolean? = null, sendBufferSize: Int? = null, shellHtmlResource: Buffer? = null, sni: Boolean? = null, soLinger: Int? = null, sockJSHandlerOptions: SockJSHandlerOptions? = null, sockJSPath: String? = null, ssl: Boolean? = null, tcpCork: Boolean? = null, tcpFastOpen: Boolean? = null, tcpKeepAlive: Boolean? = null, tcpNoDelay: Boolean? = null, tcpQuickAck: Boolean? = null, termJsResource: Buffer? = null, trafficClass: Int? = null, trustStoreOptions: JksOptions? = null, useAlpn: Boolean? = null, usePooledBuffers: Boolean? = null, vertsShellJsResource: Buffer? = null, websocketAllowServerNoContext: Boolean? = null, websocketCompressionLevel: Int? = null, websocketPreferredClientNoContext: Boolean? = null, websocketSubProtocols: String? = null): HttpTermOptions

A function providing a DSL for building objects.

The web term configuration options.


acceptBacklog - Set the accept back log

acceptUnmaskedFrames - Set true when the server accepts unmasked frame. As default Server doesn't accept unmasked frame, you can bypass this behaviour (RFC 6455) setting true It's set to false as default.

alpnVersions - Set the list of protocol versions to provide to the server during the Application-Layer Protocol Negotiatiation.

charset - Set the charset used for encoding / decoding text data from/to SockJS

clientAuth - Set whether client auth is required

clientAuthRequired - Set whether client auth is required

compressionLevel - This method allows to set the compression level to be used in http1.x/2 response bodies when compression support is turned on (@see setCompressionSupported) and the client advertises to support deflate/gzip compression in the Accept-Encoding header default value is : 6 (Netty legacy) The compression level determines how much the data is compressed on a scale from 1 to 9, where '9' is trying to achieve the maximum compression ratio while '1' instead is giving priority to speed instead of compression ratio using some algorithm optimizations and skipping pedantic loops that usually gives just little improvements While one can think that best value is always the maximum compression ratio, there's a trade-off to consider: the most compressed level requires the most computational work to compress/decompress data, e.g. more dictionary lookups and loops. E.g. you have it set fairly high on a high-volume website, you may experience performance degradation and latency on resource serving due to CPU overload, and, however - as the computational work is required also client side while decompressing - setting an higher compression level can result in an overall higher page load time especially nowadays when many clients are handled mobile devices with a low CPU profile. see also:

compressionSupported - Set whether the server should support gzip/deflate compression (serving compressed responses to clients advertising support for them with Accept-Encoding header)

crlPaths - Add a CRL path

crlValues - Add a CRL value

decoderInitialBufferSize - Set the initial buffer size for the HTTP decoder

decompressionSupported - Set whether the server supports decompression

enabledCipherSuites - Add an enabled cipher suite, appended to the ordered suites.

enabledSecureTransportProtocols - Sets the list of enabled SSL/TLS protocols.

handle100ContinueAutomatically - Set whether 100 Continue should be handled automatically

host - Set the host

http2ConnectionWindowSize - Set the default HTTP/2 connection window size. It overrides the initial window size set by , so the connection window size is greater than for its streams, in order the data throughput. A value of -1 reuses the initial window size setting.

idleTimeout - Set the idle timeout, default time unit is seconds. Zero means don't timeout. This determines if a connection will timeout and be closed if no data is received within the timeout. If you want change default time unit, use io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerOptions

idleTimeoutUnit - Set the idle timeout unit. If not specified, default is seconds.

initialSettings - Set the HTTP/2 connection settings immediatly sent by the server when a client connects.

intputrc - The path of the inputrc config.

jdkSslEngineOptions -

keyStoreOptions - Set the key/cert options in jks format, aka Java keystore.

logActivity - Set to true to enabled network activity logging: Netty's pipeline is configured for logging on Netty's logger.

maxChunkSize - Set the maximum HTTP chunk size that will receive

maxHeaderSize - Set the maximum length of all headers for HTTP/1.x .

maxInitialLineLength - Set the maximum length of the initial line for HTTP/1.x (e.g. "GET / HTTP/1.0")

maxWebsocketFrameSize - Set the maximum websocket frames size

maxWebsocketMessageSize - Set the maximum websocket message size

openSslEngineOptions -

pemKeyCertOptions - Set the key/cert store options in pem format.

pemTrustOptions - Set the trust options in pem format

perFrameWebsocketCompressionSupported - Enable or disable support for WebSocket Defalte Frame compression

perMessageWebsocketCompressionSupported - Enable or disable support for WebSocket Permessage Deflate compression

pfxKeyCertOptions - Set the key/cert options in pfx format.

pfxTrustOptions - Set the trust options in pfx format

port - Set the port

receiveBufferSize - Set the TCP receive buffer size

reuseAddress - Set the value of reuse address

reusePort - Set the value of reuse port. This is only supported by native transports.

sendBufferSize - Set the TCP send buffer size

shellHtmlResource - Set shell.html resource to use.

sni - Set whether the server supports Server Name Indiciation

soLinger - Set whether SO_linger keep alive is enabled

sockJSHandlerOptions - The SockJS handler options.

sockJSPath - Configure the SockJS path, the default value is /term/.

ssl - Set whether SSL/TLS is enabled

tcpCork - Enable the TCP_CORK option - only with linux native transport.

tcpFastOpen - Enable the TCP_FASTOPEN option - only with linux native transport.

tcpKeepAlive - Set whether TCP keep alive is enabled

tcpNoDelay - Set whether TCP no delay is enabled

tcpQuickAck - Enable the TCP_QUICKACK option - only with linux native transport.

termJsResource - Set term.js resource to use.

trafficClass - Set the value of traffic class

trustStoreOptions - Set the trust options in jks format, aka Java truststore

useAlpn - Set the ALPN usage.

usePooledBuffers - Set whether Netty pooled buffers are enabled

vertsShellJsResource - Set vertxshell.js resource to use.

websocketAllowServerNoContext - Set the WebSocket Allow Server No Context option

websocketCompressionLevel - Set the WebSocket compression level

websocketPreferredClientNoContext - Set the WebSocket Preferred Client No Context setting

websocketSubProtocols - Set the websocket subprotocols supported by the server.