vertx / io.vertx.kotlin.ext.stomp / StompServerOptions


fun StompServerOptions(acceptBacklog: Int? = null, clientAuth: ClientAuth? = null, clientAuthRequired: Boolean? = null, crlPaths: Iterable<String>? = null, crlValues: Iterable<Buffer>? = null, enabledCipherSuites: Iterable<String>? = null, enabledSecureTransportProtocols: Iterable<String>? = null, heartbeat: JsonObject? = null, host: String? = null, idleTimeout: Int? = null, idleTimeoutUnit: TimeUnit? = null, jdkSslEngineOptions: JdkSSLEngineOptions? = null, keyStoreOptions: JksOptions? = null, logActivity: Boolean? = null, maxBodyLength: Int? = null, maxFrameInTransaction: Int? = null, maxHeaderLength: Int? = null, maxHeaders: Int? = null, maxSubscriptionsByClient: Int? = null, openSslEngineOptions: OpenSSLEngineOptions? = null, pemKeyCertOptions: PemKeyCertOptions? = null, pemTrustOptions: PemTrustOptions? = null, pfxKeyCertOptions: PfxOptions? = null, pfxTrustOptions: PfxOptions? = null, port: Int? = null, receiveBufferSize: Int? = null, reuseAddress: Boolean? = null, reusePort: Boolean? = null, secured: Boolean? = null, sendBufferSize: Int? = null, sendErrorOnNoSubscriptions: Boolean? = null, sni: Boolean? = null, soLinger: Int? = null, ssl: Boolean? = null, supportedVersions: Iterable<String>? = null, tcpCork: Boolean? = null, tcpFastOpen: Boolean? = null, tcpKeepAlive: Boolean? = null, tcpNoDelay: Boolean? = null, tcpQuickAck: Boolean? = null, timeFactor: Int? = null, trafficClass: Int? = null, trailingLine: Boolean? = null, transactionChunkSize: Int? = null, trustStoreOptions: JksOptions? = null, useAlpn: Boolean? = null, usePooledBuffers: Boolean? = null, websocketBridge: Boolean? = null, websocketPath: String? = null): StompServerOptions

A function providing a DSL for building io.vertx.ext.stomp.StompServerOptions objects.

STOMP Server options. You can also configure the Net Server used by the STOMP server from these options.


acceptBacklog - Set the accept back log

clientAuth - Set whether client auth is required

clientAuthRequired - Set whether client auth is required

crlPaths - Add a CRL path

crlValues - Add a CRL value

enabledCipherSuites - Add an enabled cipher suite, appended to the ordered suites.

enabledSecureTransportProtocols - Sets the list of enabled SSL/TLS protocols.

heartbeat - Sets the heartbeat configuration.

host - Set the host

idleTimeout - Set the idle timeout, default time unit is seconds. Zero means don't timeout. This determines if a connection will timeout and be closed if no data is received within the timeout. If you want change default time unit, use

idleTimeoutUnit - Set the idle timeout unit. If not specified, default is seconds.

jdkSslEngineOptions -

keyStoreOptions - Set the key/cert options in jks format, aka Java keystore.

logActivity - Set to true to enabled network activity logging: Netty's pipeline is configured for logging on Netty's logger.

maxBodyLength - Sets the max body length accepted by the server. 10 Mb by default.

maxFrameInTransaction - Sets the maximum number of frame that can be added in a transaction. If the number of frame added to a transaction exceeds this threshold, the client receives an ERROR frame and is disconnected. The default is 1000.

maxHeaderLength - Sets the max header length.

maxHeaders - Sets the maximum number of headers. 1000 by default.

maxSubscriptionsByClient - Sets the maximum of subscriptions a client is allowed to register. If a client exceeds this number, it receives an error and the connection is closed.

openSslEngineOptions -

pemKeyCertOptions - Set the key/cert store options in pem format.

pemTrustOptions - Set the trust options in pem format

pfxKeyCertOptions - Set the key/cert options in pfx format.

pfxTrustOptions - Set the trust options in pfx format

port - Sets the port on which the server is going to listen for TCP connection.

receiveBufferSize - Set the TCP receive buffer size

reuseAddress - Set the value of reuse address

reusePort - Set the value of reuse port. This is only supported by native transports.

secured - Enables or disables the server security feature. It requires an io.vertx.ext.auth.AuthProvider handler.

sendBufferSize - Set the TCP send buffer size

sendErrorOnNoSubscriptions - Sets whether or not an error is sent to the client when this client sends a message to an not subscribed destinations (no subscriptions on this destination).

sni - Set whether the server supports Server Name Indiciation

soLinger - Set whether SO_linger keep alive is enabled

ssl - Set whether SSL/TLS is enabled

supportedVersions - Sets the STOMP protocol versions supported by the server. Versions must be given in the decreasing order.

tcpCork - Enable the TCP_CORK option - only with linux native transport.

tcpFastOpen - Enable the TCP_FASTOPEN option - only with linux native transport.

tcpKeepAlive - Set whether TCP keep alive is enabled

tcpNoDelay - Set whether TCP no delay is enabled

tcpQuickAck - Enable the TCP_QUICKACK option - only with linux native transport.

timeFactor - Sets the time factor.

trafficClass - Set the value of traffic class

trailingLine - Sets whether or not an empty line should be appended to the written STOMP frame. This option is disabled by default. This option is not compliant with the STOMP specification, and so is not documented on purpose.

transactionChunkSize - Sets the chunk size when replaying a transaction. To avoid blocking the event loop for too long, large transactions are split into chunks, replayed one by one. This settings sets the chunk size.

trustStoreOptions - Set the trust options in jks format, aka Java truststore

useAlpn - Set the ALPN usage.

usePooledBuffers - Set whether Netty pooled buffers are enabled

websocketBridge - Enables or disables the web socket bridge.

websocketPath - Sets the websocket path. Only frames received on this path would be considered as STOMP frame.