vertx / io.vertx.kotlin.kafka.admin / io.vertx.kafka.admin.AdminUtils

Extensions for io.vertx.kafka.admin.AdminUtils


suspend fun AdminUtils.changeTopicConfigAwait(topicName: String, topicConfig: Map<String, String>): Unit

Updates the configuration of the topic given by topicName. Configuration parameters are passed in as a Map (Key -> Value) of Strings.


suspend fun AdminUtils.closeAwait(): Unit

Closes the underlying connection to Zookeeper. It is required to call the method for cleanup purposes if AdminUtils was not created with autoClose set to true.


suspend fun AdminUtils.createTopicAwait(topicName: String, partitionCount: Int, replicationFactor: Int): Unit

Creates a new Kafka topic on all Brokers managed by the given Zookeeper instance(s)

suspend fun AdminUtils.createTopicAwait(topicName: String, partitionCount: Int, replicationFactor: Int, topicConfig: Map<String, String>): Unit

Creates a new Kafka topic on all Brokers managed by the given Zookeeper instance(s). In contrast to @see io.vertx.kafka.admin.AdminUtils, one can pass in additional configuration parameters as a map (String -> String).


suspend fun AdminUtils.deleteTopicAwait(topicName: String): Unit

Delete the Kafka topic given by the topicName.


suspend fun AdminUtils.topicExistsAwait(topicName: String): Boolean

Checks if the Kafka topic given by topicName does exist.