suspend fun <K, V> KafkaConsumer<K, V>.assignAwait(topicPartition: TopicPartition): Unit
Manually assign a partition to this consumer. suspend fun <K, V> KafkaConsumer<K, V>.assignAwait(topicPartitions: Set<TopicPartition>): Unit
Manually assign a list of partition to this consumer. |
suspend fun <K, V> KafkaConsumer<K, V>.assignmentAwait(): Set<TopicPartition>
Get the set of partitions currently assigned to this consumer. |
suspend fun <K, V> KafkaConsumer<K, V>.beginningOffsetsAwait(topicPartition: TopicPartition): Long
Get the first offset for the given partitions. |
suspend fun <K, V> KafkaConsumer<K, V>.closeAwait(): Unit
Close the consumer |
suspend fun <K, V> KafkaConsumer<K, V>.commitAwait(): Unit
Commit current offsets for all the subscribed list of topics and partition. |
suspend fun <K, V> KafkaConsumer<K, V>.committedAwait(topicPartition: TopicPartition): OffsetAndMetadata
Get the last committed offset for the given partition (whether the commit happened by this process or another). |
suspend fun <K, V> KafkaConsumer<K, V>.endOffsetsAwait(topicPartition: TopicPartition): Long
Get the last offset for the given partition. The last offset of a partition is the offset of the upcoming message, i.e. the offset of the last available message + 1. |
suspend fun <K, V> KafkaConsumer<K, V>.offsetsForTimesAwait(topicPartition: TopicPartition, timestamp: Long): OffsetAndTimestamp
Look up the offset for the given partition by timestamp. Note: the result might be null in case for the given timestamp no offset can be found -- e.g., when the timestamp refers to the future |
suspend fun <K, V> KafkaConsumer<K, V>.partitionsForAwait(topic: String): List<PartitionInfo>
Get metadata about the partitions for a given topic. |
suspend fun <K, V> KafkaConsumer<K, V>.pauseAwait(topicPartition: TopicPartition): Unit
Suspend fetching from the requested partition. suspend fun <K, V> KafkaConsumer<K, V>.pauseAwait(topicPartitions: Set<TopicPartition>): Unit
Suspend fetching from the requested partitions. |
suspend fun <K, V> KafkaConsumer<K, V>.pausedAwait(): Set<TopicPartition>
Get the set of partitions that were previously paused by a call to pause(Set). |
suspend fun <K, V> KafkaConsumer<K, V>.pollAwait(timeout: Long): KafkaConsumerRecords<K, V>
Executes a poll for getting messages from Kafka |
suspend fun <K, V> KafkaConsumer<K, V>.positionAwait(partition: TopicPartition): Long
Get the offset of the next record that will be fetched (if a record with that offset exists). |
suspend fun <K, V> KafkaConsumer<K, V>.resumeAwait(topicPartition: TopicPartition): Unit
Resume specified partition which have been paused with pause. suspend fun <K, V> KafkaConsumer<K, V>.resumeAwait(topicPartitions: Set<TopicPartition>): Unit
Resume specified partitions which have been paused with pause. |
suspend fun <K, V> KafkaConsumer<K, V>.seekAwait(topicPartition: TopicPartition, offset: Long): Unit
Overrides the fetch offsets that the consumer will use on the next poll. |
suspend fun <K, V> KafkaConsumer<K, V>.seekToBeginningAwait(topicPartition: TopicPartition): Unit
Seek to the first offset for each of the given partition. suspend fun <K, V> KafkaConsumer<K, V>.seekToBeginningAwait(topicPartitions: Set<TopicPartition>): Unit
Seek to the first offset for each of the given partitions. |
suspend fun <K, V> KafkaConsumer<K, V>.seekToEndAwait(topicPartition: TopicPartition): Unit
Seek to the last offset for each of the given partition. suspend fun <K, V> KafkaConsumer<K, V>.seekToEndAwait(topicPartitions: Set<TopicPartition>): Unit
Seek to the last offset for each of the given partitions. |
suspend fun <K, V> KafkaConsumer<K, V>.subscribeAwait(topic: String): Unit
Subscribe to the given topic to get dynamically assigned partitions. suspend fun <K, V> KafkaConsumer<K, V>.subscribeAwait(topics: Set<String>): Unit
Subscribe to the given list of topics to get dynamically assigned partitions. |
suspend fun <K, V> KafkaConsumer<K, V>.subscriptionAwait(): Set<String>
Get the current subscription. |
suspend fun <K, V> KafkaConsumer<K, V>.unsubscribeAwait(): Unit
Unsubscribe from topics currently subscribed with subscribe. |