vertx / io.vertx.kotlin.micrometer / MicrometerMetricsOptions


fun MicrometerMetricsOptions(disabledMetricsCategories: Iterable<MetricsDomain>? = null, enabled: Boolean? = null, influxDbOptions: VertxInfluxDbOptions? = null, jmxMetricsOptions: VertxJmxMetricsOptions? = null, jvmMetricsEnabled: Boolean? = null, labelMatches: Iterable<Match>? = null, labelMatchs: Iterable<Match>? = null, labels: Iterable<Label>? = null, prometheusOptions: VertxPrometheusOptions? = null, registryName: String? = null): MicrometerMetricsOptions

A function providing a DSL for building io.vertx.micrometer.MicrometerMetricsOptions objects.

Vert.x micrometer configuration.


disabledMetricsCategories - Sets metrics types that are disabled.

enabled - Set whether metrics will be enabled on the Vert.x instance. Metrics are not enabled by default.

influxDbOptions - Set InfluxDB options. Setting a registry backend option is mandatory in order to effectively report metrics.

jmxMetricsOptions - Set JMX metrics options. Setting a registry backend option is mandatory in order to effectively report metrics.

jvmMetricsEnabled - Whether JVM metrics should be collected. Defaults to false.

labelMatches - Set a list of rules for label matching.

labelMatchs - Add a rule for label matching.

labels - Sets enabled labels. These labels can be fine-tuned later on using Micrometer's Meter filters (see

prometheusOptions - Set Prometheus options. Setting a registry backend option is mandatory in order to effectively report metrics.

registryName - Set a name for the metrics registry, so that a new registry will be created and associated with this name. If registryName is not provided (or null), a default registry will be used. If the same name is given to several Vert.x instances (within the same JVM), they will share the same registry.