vertx / io.vertx.kotlin.mqtt / MqttClientOptions


fun MqttClientOptions(autoGeneratedClientId: Boolean? = null, autoKeepAlive: Boolean? = null, cleanSession: Boolean? = null, clientId: String? = null, connectTimeout: Int? = null, crlPaths: Iterable<String>? = null, crlValues: Iterable<Buffer>? = null, enabledCipherSuites: Iterable<String>? = null, enabledSecureTransportProtocols: Iterable<String>? = null, hostnameVerificationAlgorithm: String? = null, idleTimeout: Int? = null, idleTimeoutUnit: TimeUnit? = null, jdkSslEngineOptions: JdkSSLEngineOptions? = null, keepAliveTimeSeconds: Int? = null, keyStoreOptions: JksOptions? = null, localAddress: String? = null, logActivity: Boolean? = null, maxInflightQueue: Int? = null, maxMessageSize: Int? = null, metricsName: String? = null, openSslEngineOptions: OpenSSLEngineOptions? = null, password: String? = null, pemKeyCertOptions: PemKeyCertOptions? = null, pemTrustOptions: PemTrustOptions? = null, pfxKeyCertOptions: PfxOptions? = null, pfxTrustOptions: PfxOptions? = null, proxyOptions: ProxyOptions? = null, receiveBufferSize: Int? = null, reconnectAttempts: Int? = null, reconnectInterval: Long? = null, reuseAddress: Boolean? = null, reusePort: Boolean? = null, sendBufferSize: Int? = null, soLinger: Int? = null, ssl: Boolean? = null, tcpCork: Boolean? = null, tcpFastOpen: Boolean? = null, tcpKeepAlive: Boolean? = null, tcpNoDelay: Boolean? = null, tcpQuickAck: Boolean? = null, trafficClass: Int? = null, trustAll: Boolean? = null, trustStoreOptions: JksOptions? = null, useAlpn: Boolean? = null, usePooledBuffers: Boolean? = null, username: String? = null, willFlag: Boolean? = null, willMessage: String? = null, willQoS: Int? = null, willRetain: Boolean? = null, willTopic: String? = null): MqttClientOptions

A function providing a DSL for building io.vertx.mqtt.MqttClientOptions objects.

Represents options used by the MQTT client.


autoGeneratedClientId - Set if the MQTT client must generate clientId automatically (default is true)

autoKeepAlive - Set if the MQTT client must handle PINGREQ automatically (default is true)

cleanSession - Set to start with a clean session (or not)

clientId - Set the client identifier

connectTimeout - Set the connect timeout

crlPaths - Add a CRL path

crlValues - Add a CRL value

enabledCipherSuites - Add an enabled cipher suite, appended to the ordered suites.

enabledSecureTransportProtocols - Sets the list of enabled SSL/TLS protocols.

hostnameVerificationAlgorithm - Set the hostname verification algorithm interval To disable hostname verification, set hostnameVerificationAlgorithm to an empty String

idleTimeout - Do the same thing as io.vertx.mqtt.MqttClientOptions. Use it instead.

idleTimeoutUnit - Set the idle timeout unit. If not specified, default is seconds.

jdkSslEngineOptions -

keepAliveTimeSeconds - Set the keep alive timeout in seconds

keyStoreOptions - Set the key/cert options in jks format, aka Java keystore.

localAddress - Set the local interface to bind for network connections. When the local address is null, it will pick any local address, the default local address is null.

logActivity - Set to true to enabled network activity logging: Netty's pipeline is configured for logging on Netty's logger.

maxInflightQueue - Set max count of unacknowledged messages

maxMessageSize - Set max MQTT message size

metricsName - Set the metrics name identifying the reported metrics, useful for grouping metrics with the same name.

openSslEngineOptions -

password - Set the password

pemKeyCertOptions - Set the key/cert store options in pem format.

pemTrustOptions - Set the trust options in pem format

pfxKeyCertOptions - Set the key/cert options in pfx format.

pfxTrustOptions - Set the trust options in pfx format

proxyOptions - Set proxy options for connections via CONNECT proxy (e.g. Squid) or a SOCKS proxy.

receiveBufferSize - Set the TCP receive buffer size

reconnectAttempts - Set the value of reconnect attempts

reconnectInterval - Set the reconnect interval

reuseAddress - Set the value of reuse address

reusePort - Set the value of reuse port. This is only supported by native transports.

sendBufferSize - Set the TCP send buffer size

soLinger - Set whether SO_linger keep alive is enabled

ssl - Set whether SSL/TLS is enabled

tcpCork - Enable the TCP_CORK option - only with linux native transport.

tcpFastOpen - Enable the TCP_FASTOPEN option - only with linux native transport.

tcpKeepAlive - Set whether TCP keep alive is enabled

tcpNoDelay - Set whether TCP no delay is enabled

tcpQuickAck - Enable the TCP_QUICKACK option - only with linux native transport.

trafficClass - Set the value of traffic class

trustAll - Set whether all server certificates should be trusted

trustStoreOptions - Set the trust options in jks format, aka Java truststore

useAlpn - Set the ALPN usage.

usePooledBuffers - Set whether Netty pooled buffers are enabled

username - Set the username

willFlag - Set if will information are provided on connection

willMessage - Set the content of the will message

willQoS - Set the QoS level for the will message

willRetain - Set if the will message must be retained

willTopic - Set the topic on which the will message will be published