vertx / io.vertx.kotlin.rabbitmq / RabbitMQOptions


fun RabbitMQOptions(automaticRecoveryEnabled: Boolean? = null, connectionRetries: Int? = null, connectionRetryDelay: Long? = null, connectionTimeout: Int? = null, handshakeTimeout: Int? = null, host: String? = null, includeProperties: Boolean? = null, networkRecoveryInterval: Long? = null, password: String? = null, port: Int? = null, requestedChannelMax: Int? = null, requestedHeartbeat: Int? = null, uri: String? = null, user: String? = null, virtualHost: String? = null): RabbitMQOptions

A function providing a DSL for building io.vertx.rabbitmq.RabbitMQOptions objects.

RabbitMQ client options, most


automaticRecoveryEnabled - Enables or disables automatic connection recovery.

connectionRetries - Set the number of connection retries to attempt when connecting, the null value disables it.

connectionRetryDelay - Set the delay in milliseconds between connection retries.

connectionTimeout - Set the TCP connection timeout, in milliseconds, zero for infinite).

handshakeTimeout - Set the AMQP 0-9-1 protocol handshake timeout, in milliseconds

host - Set the default host to use for connections.

includeProperties - Set wether to include properties when a broker message is passed on the event bus

networkRecoveryInterval - Set how long in milliseconds will automatic recovery wait before attempting to reconnect, default is 5000

password - Set the password to use when connecting to the broker.

port - Set the default port to use for connections.

requestedChannelMax - Set the initially requested maximum channel number, zero for unlimited.

requestedHeartbeat - Set the initially requested heartbeat interval, in seconds, zero for none.

uri -

user - Set the AMQP user name to use when connecting to the broker.

virtualHost - Set the virtual host to use when connecting to the broker.