vertx / io.vertx.kotlin.rabbitmq / io.vertx.rabbitmq.RabbitMQClient

Extensions for io.vertx.rabbitmq.RabbitMQClient


suspend fun RabbitMQClient.basicAckAwait(deliveryTag: Long, multiple: Boolean): JsonObject

Acknowledge one or several received messages. Supply the deliveryTag from the AMQP.Basic.GetOk or AMQP.Basic.Deliver method containing the received message being acknowledged.


suspend fun RabbitMQClient.basicConsumerAwait(queue: String): RabbitMQConsumersuspend fun RabbitMQClient.basicConsumerAwait(queue: String, options: QueueOptions): RabbitMQConsumer

Create a consumer with the given options.


suspend fun RabbitMQClient.basicGetAwait(queue: String, autoAck: Boolean): JsonObject

Retrieve a message from a queue using AMQP.Basic.Get


suspend fun RabbitMQClient.basicNackAwait(deliveryTag: Long, multiple: Boolean, requeue: Boolean): JsonObject

Reject one or several received messages.


suspend fun RabbitMQClient.basicPublishAwait(exchange: String, routingKey: String, message: JsonObject): Unit

Publish a message. Publishing to a non-existent exchange will result in a channel-level protocol exception, which closes the channel. Invocations of Channel#basicPublish will eventually block if a resource-driven alarm is in effect.


suspend fun RabbitMQClient.basicQosAwait(prefetchCount: Int): Unit
suspend fun RabbitMQClient.basicQosAwait(prefetchCount: Int, global: Boolean): Unit

Request a specific prefetchCount "quality of service" settings for this channel.

suspend fun RabbitMQClient.basicQosAwait(prefetchSize: Int, prefetchCount: Int, global: Boolean): Unit

Request specific "quality of service" settings.


suspend fun RabbitMQClient.confirmSelectAwait(): Unit

Enables publisher acknowledgements on this channel. Can be called once during client initialisation. Calls to basicPublish() will have to be confirmed.


suspend fun RabbitMQClient.exchangeBindAwait(destination: String, source: String, routingKey: String): Unit

Bind an exchange to an exchange.


suspend fun RabbitMQClient.exchangeDeclareAwait(exchange: String, type: String, durable: Boolean, autoDelete: Boolean): Unit

Declare an exchange.

suspend fun RabbitMQClient.exchangeDeclareAwait(exchange: String, type: String, durable: Boolean, autoDelete: Boolean, config: JsonObject): Unit

Declare an exchange with additional parameters such as dead lettering, an alternate exchange or TTL.


suspend fun RabbitMQClient.exchangeDeleteAwait(exchange: String): Unit

Delete an exchange, without regard for whether it is in use or not.


suspend fun RabbitMQClient.exchangeUnbindAwait(destination: String, source: String, routingKey: String): Unit

Unbind an exchange from an exchange.


suspend fun RabbitMQClient.messageCountAwait(queue: String): Long

Returns the number of messages in a queue ready to be delivered.


suspend fun RabbitMQClient.queueBindAwait(queue: String, exchange: String, routingKey: String): Unit

Bind a queue to an exchange


suspend fun RabbitMQClient.queueDeclareAutoAwait(): JsonObject

Actively declare a server-named exclusive, autodelete, non-durable queue.


suspend fun RabbitMQClient.queueDeclareAwait(queue: String, durable: Boolean, exclusive: Boolean, autoDelete: Boolean): JsonObject

Declare a queue

suspend fun RabbitMQClient.queueDeclareAwait(queue: String, durable: Boolean, exclusive: Boolean, autoDelete: Boolean, config: JsonObject): JsonObject

Declare a queue with config options


suspend fun RabbitMQClient.queueDeleteAwait(queue: String): JsonObject

Delete a queue, without regard for whether it is in use or has messages on it


suspend fun RabbitMQClient.queueDeleteIfAwait(queue: String, ifUnused: Boolean, ifEmpty: Boolean): JsonObject

Delete a queue


suspend fun RabbitMQClient.startAwait(): Unit

Start the rabbitMQ client. Create the connection and the chanel.


suspend fun RabbitMQClient.stopAwait(): Unit

Stop the rabbitMQ client. Close the connection and its chanel.


suspend fun RabbitMQClient.waitForConfirmsAwait(): Unit

Wait until all messages published since the last call have been either ack'd or nack'd by the broker. This will incur slight performance loss at the expense of higher write consistency. If desired, multiple calls to basicPublish() can be batched before confirming.

suspend fun RabbitMQClient.waitForConfirmsAwait(timeout: Long): Unit

Wait until all messages published since the last call have been either ack'd or nack'd by the broker; or until timeout elapses. If the timeout expires a TimeoutException is thrown.