vertx / io.vertx.kotlin.servicediscovery.types / MongoDataSource


object MongoDataSource



suspend fun getMongoClientAwait(discovery: ServiceDiscovery, filter: JsonObject): MongoClient
suspend fun getMongoClientAwait(discovery: ServiceDiscovery, filter: JsonObject, consumerConfiguration: JsonObject): MongoClient

Convenient method that looks for a Mongo datasource source and provides the configured io.vertx.ext.mongo.MongoClient. The async result is marked as failed is there are no matching services, or if the lookup fails.

suspend fun getMongoClientAwait(discovery: ServiceDiscovery, filter: Function<Record, Boolean>): MongoClient

Convenient method that looks for a Mongo datasource source and provides the configured io.vertx.ext.mongo.MongoClient. The async result is marked as failed is there are no matching services, or if the lookup fails.