The completion object
package |
Default |
complete( $arg0, $arg1 = null) : void
param $candidates [array] the candidates complete($candidates)
End the completion with a value that will be inserted to complete the line.
param $value [string] the value to complete with param $terminal [boolean] true if the value is terminal, i.e can be further completed complete($value, $terminal)
string | array
lineTokens() : array
the current line being completed as preparsed tokens
rawLine() : string
the current line being completed in raw format, i.e without any char escape performed
session() : \io\vertx\jphp\ext\shell\session\Session
the shell current session, useful for accessing data like the current path for file completion, etc...
vertx() : \io\vertx\jphp\core\Vertx