Defines a STOMP server. STOMP servers delegates to a @see \io\vertx\jphp\ext\stomp\StompServerHandler that let customize the behavior of the server. By default, it uses a handler compliant with the STOMP specification, but let you change anything.
package |
Default |
actualPort() : integer
This is useful if you bound the server specifying 0 as port number signifying an ephemeral port.
the port
close( $arg0 = null) : void
Closes the server.
param $completionHandler [callable] handler called once the server has been stopped close($completionHandler)
create( $arg0, $arg1 = null, $arg2 = null) : \io\vertx\jphp\ext\stomp\StompServer
param $vertx [Vertx] the vert.x instance to use create($vertx)
Creates a @see \io\vertx\jphp\ext\stomp\StompServer based on the default Stomp Server implementation.
param $vertx [Vertx] the vert.x instance to use param $options [StompServerOptions | array] the server options create($vertx, $options)
Creates a @see \io\vertx\jphp\ext\stomp\StompServer based on the default Stomp Server implementation.
param $vertx [Vertx] the vert.x instance to use param $netServer [NetServer] the Net server used by the STOMP server create($vertx, $netServer)
Creates a @see \io\vertx\jphp\ext\stomp\StompServer based on the default Stomp Server implementation.
param $vertx [Vertx] the vert.x instance to use param $net [NetServer] the Net server used by the STOMP server param $options [StompServerOptions | array] the server options create($vertx, $net, $options)
array | StompServerOptions | NetServer
array | StompServerOptions
the created {@link StompServer}
handler( $arg0) : $this
the current {@link StompServer}
isListening() : boolean
{@code true} if the server is listening, {@code false} otherwise
listen( $arg0 = null, $arg1 = null, $arg2 = null) : $this
Connects the STOMP server to the given port.
param $port [integer] the port listen($port)
Connects the STOMP server default port (61613) and network interface (
). Once the socket
it bounds calls the given handler with the result. The result may be a failure if the socket is already used.
param $handler [callable] the handler to call with the result listen($handler)
Connects the STOMP server to the given port / interface.
param $port [integer] the port param $host [string] the interface listen($port, $host)
Connects the STOMP server to the given port. This method use the default host (
). Once the socket
it bounds calls the given handler with the result. The result may be a failure if the socket is already used.
param $port [integer] the port param $handler [callable] the handler to call with the result listen($port, $handler)
Connects the STOMP server to the given port / interface. Once the socket it bounds calls the given handler with the result. The result may be a failure if the socket is already used.
param $port [integer] the port param $host [string] the host / interface param $handler [callable] the handler to call with the result listen($port, $host, $handler)
callable | integer
callable | string
the current {@link StompServer}
stompHandler() : \io\vertx\jphp\ext\stomp\StompServerHandler
the {@link StompServerHandler} used by this server.
vertx() : \io\vertx\jphp\core\Vertx
webSocketHandler() : callable
the handler that can be passed to {@link io.vertx.core.http.HttpServer#websocketHandler(Handler)}.
writingFrameHandler( $arg0) : $this
the current {@link StompServer}