A handler that allows you to handle SockJS connections from clients.
We currently support version 0.3.3 of the SockJS protocol, which can be found in this tag:
package |
Default |
bridge( $arg0, $arg1 = null) : $this
param $bridgeOptions [BridgeOptions | array] options to configure the bridge with bridge($bridgeOptions)
Like @see \io\vertx\jphp\ext\web\handler\sockjs\SockJSHandler::bridge but specifying a handler that will receive bridge events.
param $bridgeOptions [BridgeOptions | array] options to configure the bridge with param $bridgeEventHandler [callable] handler to receive bridge events bridge($bridgeOptions, $bridgeEventHandler)
array | BridgeOptions
a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
create( $arg0, $arg1 = null) : \io\vertx\jphp\ext\web\handler\sockjs\SockJSHandler
param $vertx [Vertx] the Vert.x instance create($vertx)
Create a SockJS handler
param $vertx [Vertx] the Vert.x instance param $options [SockJSHandlerOptions | array] options to configure the handler create($vertx, $options)
SockJSHandlerOptions | array
the handler
handle( $arg0) : void
socketHandler( $arg0) : $this
a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently