A completion object that emits completion notifications either <i>succeeded</i> or <i>failed</i>.
This object provides callback-ability for the end of a test suite, the completion <i>succeeds</i> when all tests pass otherwise it fails.
The test context is used for performing test assertions and manage the completion of the test. This context is provided by <i>vertx-unit</i> as argument of the test case.
Test execution options:
in milliseconds, the default value is 2 minutes useEventLoop
always runs with an event loopfalse
never runs with an event loopnull
uses an event loop if there is one (provided by @see \io\vertx\jphp\core\Vertx::currentContext)
otherwise run withoutreporters
is an array of reporter configurationsA named suite of test cases that are executed altogether. The suite suite is created with the @see \io\vertx\jphp\ext\unit\TestSuite::create and the returned suite contains initially no tests.<p/>
The suite can declare a callback before the suite with @see \io\vertx\jphp\ext\unit\TestSuite::before or after the suite with @see \io\vertx\jphp\ext\unit\TestSuite::after.
The suite can declare a callback before each test with @see \io\vertx\jphp\ext\unit\TestSuite::beforeEach or after each test with @see \io\vertx\jphp\ext\unit\TestSuite::afterEach.
Each test case of the suite is declared by calling the @see \io\vertx\jphp\ext\unit\TestSuite::test method.
A failure provides the details of a failure that happened during the execution of a test case.<p/>
The failure can be: