Interface for OpenAPI3RouterFactory. <br/> To add an handler, use @see \io\vertx\jphp\ext\web\api\contract\openapi3\OpenAPI3RouterFactory::addHandlerByOperationId<br/> Usage example: <pre> <code>OpenAPI3RouterFactory.create(vertx, "src/resources/spec.yaml", asyncResult -> { if (!asyncResult.succeeded()) { // IO failure or spec invalid</code> else { OpenAPI3RouterFactory routerFactory = asyncResult.result(); routerFactory.addHandlerByOperationId("operation_id", routingContext -> { // Do something }, routingContext -> { // Do something with failure handler }); Router router = routerFactory.getRouter(); } }); } </pre> <br/> Handlers are loaded in this order:<br/> <ol> <li>Body handler (Customizable with </li> <li>Custom global handlers configurable with </li> <li>Global security handlers defined in upper spec level</li> <li>Operation specific security handlers</li> <li>Generated validation handler</li> <li>User handlers or "Not implemented" handler</li> </ol>