This object controls the connection setting to the Redis Server. There is no need to specify most of the settings since it has built the following sensible defaults: <p> * `encoding`: `UTF-8` * `host`: `localhost` * `port`: 6379 * `tcpKeepAlive`: true * `tcpNoDelay`: true * `binary`: false <p> However there are two extra properties that have no defaults since they are optional: <p> * `auth` * `select` <p> The usage of this two extra properties is to setup required authentication and optionally the selection of the active database at connection time. If you define this extra properties on every connection to Redis server this client will perform the authentication handshake and database selection, however if you don't do this and call @see \io\vertx\jphp\redis\RedisClient::auth yourself in case of connection failure the client will not be able to perform the correct authentication handshake.