



package scala

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AsyncResultWrapper[J, S] extends AsyncResult[S]

    An implementation of io.vertx.core.AsyncResult that is used to convert a result of a Java-version into the Scala-variant.

  2. class ScalaAsyncResult[T] extends AsyncResult[T]

    Implementation of @see io.vertx.core.AsyncResult

  3. abstract class ScalaVerticle extends AnyRef

    Base class for verticle implementations.

  4. class ScalaVerticleFactory extends VerticleFactory

    Factory for creating Verticle-Instances from a compiled class or scala source code.

  5. class VertxExecutionContext extends ExecutionContext

    A scala scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext binds scala.concurrent.Promise/scala.concurrent.Future to a thread.

    A scala scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext binds scala.concurrent.Promise/scala.concurrent.Future to a thread. In the case of Vert.x we have to make sure that they execute on the right context. A context could be that of a worker or a standard verticle. This execution context implementation runs all Runnables on the associated io.vertx.scala.core.Context.

    Taken from the original Vert.x-impl

Value Members

  1. object AsyncResultWrapper
  2. object Converter

  3. object HandlerOps

    Conversions between handlers and functions

  4. object ScalaAsyncResult
  5. object ScalaVerticle
  6. object Types

    Type definitions for commonly used types.

  7. object VertxExecutionContext
