
package net

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ClientOptionsBase extends TCPSSLOptions

    Base class for Client options

  2. class JdkSSLEngineOptions extends AnyRef

    Configures a TCPSSLOptions to use the JDK ssl engine implementation.

  3. class JksOptions extends AnyRef

    Key or trust store options configuring private key and/or certificates based on Java Keystore files.

    Key or trust store options configuring private key and/or certificates based on Java Keystore files.

    When used as a key store, it should point to a store containing a private key and its certificate. When used as a trust store, it should point to a store containing a list of trusted certificates.

    The store can either be loaded by Vert.x from the filesystem:

    HttpServerOptions options = HttpServerOptions.httpServerOptions();
    options.setKeyStore(new JKSOptions().setPath("/mykeystore.jks").setPassword("foo"));

    Or directly provided as a buffer:

    Buffer store = vertx.fileSystem().readFileSync("/mykeystore.jks");
    options.setKeyStore(new JKSOptions().setValue(store).setPassword("foo"));

  4. class NetClient extends Measured

    A TCP client.

    A TCP client.

    Multiple connections to different servers can be made using the same instance.

    This client supports a configurable number of connection attempts and a configurable delay between attempts.

  5. class NetClientOptions extends ClientOptionsBase

    Options for configuring a

  6. class NetServer extends Measured

    Represents a TCP server

  7. class NetServerOptions extends TCPSSLOptions

    Options for configuring a

  8. class NetSocket extends ReadStream[Buffer] with WriteStream[Buffer]

    Represents a socket-like interface to a TCP connection on either the client or the server side.

    Represents a socket-like interface to a TCP connection on either the client or the server side.

    Instances of this class are created on the client side by an when a connection to a server is made, or on the server side by a when a server accepts a connection.

    It implements both and so it can be used with io.vertx.scala.core.streams.Pump to pump data with flow control.

  9. trait NetworkOptions extends AnyRef

  10. class OpenSSLEngineOptions extends AnyRef

    Configures a TCPSSLOptions to use OpenSsl.

  11. class PemKeyCertOptions extends AnyRef

    Key store options configuring a list of private key and its certificate based on Privacy-enhanced Electronic Email (PEM) files.

    Key store options configuring a list of private key and its certificate based on Privacy-enhanced Electronic Email (PEM) files.

    A key file must contain a non encrypted private key in PKCS8 format wrapped in a PEM block, for example:

    -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
    -----END PRIVATE KEY-----

    Or contain a non encrypted private key in PKCS1 format wrapped in a PEM block, for example:

    -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

    A certificate file must contain an X.509 certificate wrapped in a PEM block, for example:

    -----END CERTIFICATE-----

    Keys and certificates can either be loaded by Vert.x from the filesystem:

    HttpServerOptions options = new HttpServerOptions();
    options.setPemKeyCertOptions(new PemKeyCertOptions().setKeyPath("/mykey.pem").setCertPath("/mycert.pem"));

    Or directly provided as a buffer:

    Buffer key = vertx.fileSystem().readFileSync("/mykey.pem");
    Buffer cert = vertx.fileSystem().readFileSync("/mycert.pem");
    options.setPemKeyCertOptions(new PemKeyCertOptions().setKeyValue(key).setCertValue(cert));

    Several key/certificate pairs can be used:

    HttpServerOptions options = new HttpServerOptions();
    options.setPemKeyCertOptions(new PemKeyCertOptions()

  12. class PemTrustOptions extends AnyRef

    Certificate Authority options configuring certificates based on Privacy-enhanced Electronic Email (PEM) files.

    Certificate Authority options configuring certificates based on Privacy-enhanced Electronic Email (PEM) files. The options is configured with a list of validating certificates.

    Validating certificates must contain X.509 certificates wrapped in a PEM block:

    -----END CERTIFICATE-----

    The certificates can either be loaded by Vert.x from the filesystem:

    HttpServerOptions options = new HttpServerOptions();
    options.setPemTrustOptions(new PemTrustOptions().addCertPath("/cert.pem"));

    Or directly provided as a buffer:

    Buffer cert = vertx.fileSystem().readFileSync("/cert.pem");
    HttpServerOptions options = new HttpServerOptions();
    options.setPemTrustOptions(new PemTrustOptions().addCertValue(cert));

  13. class PfxOptions extends AnyRef

    Key or trust store options configuring private key and/or certificates based on PKCS#12 files.

    Key or trust store options configuring private key and/or certificates based on PKCS#12 files.

    When used as a key store, it should point to a store containing a private key and its certificate. When used as a trust store, it should point to a store containing a list of accepted certificates.

    The store can either be loaded by Vert.x from the filesystem:

    HttpServerOptions options = new HttpServerOptions();
    options.setPfxKeyCertOptions(new PfxOptions().setPath("/mykeystore.p12").setPassword("foo"));

    Or directly provided as a buffer:

    Buffer store = vertx.fileSystem().readFileSync("/mykeystore.p12");
    options.setPfxKeyCertOptions(new PfxOptions().setValue(store).setPassword("foo"));

  14. class ProxyOptions extends AnyRef

    Proxy options for a net client or a net client.

  15. class SelfSignedCertificate extends AnyRef

    A self-signed certificate helper for testing and development purposes.

    A self-signed certificate helper for testing and development purposes.

    While it helps for testing and development, it should never ever be used in production settings.

  16. class SocketAddress extends AnyRef

    The address of a socket, an inet socket address or a domain socket address.

    The address of a socket, an inet socket address or a domain socket address.

    Use to create an inet socket address and to create a domain socket address

  17. trait TCPSSLOptions extends NetworkOptions

    Base class.

    Base class. TCP and SSL related options
