
package consumer

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Type Members

  1. class KafkaConsumer[K, V] extends ReadStream[KafkaConsumerRecord[K, V]]

    Vert.x Kafka consumer.

    Vert.x Kafka consumer.

    You receive Kafka records by providing a io.vertx.scala.kafka.client.consumer.KafkaConsumer#handler. As messages arrive the handler will be called with the records.

    The io.vertx.scala.kafka.client.consumer.KafkaConsumer#pause and io.vertx.scala.kafka.client.consumer.KafkaConsumer#resume provides global control over reading the records from the consumer.

    The io.vertx.scala.kafka.client.consumer.KafkaConsumer#pause and io.vertx.scala.kafka.client.consumer.KafkaConsumer#resume provides finer grained control over reading records for specific Topic/Partition, these are Kafka's specific operations.

  2. class KafkaConsumerRecord[K, V] extends AnyRef

    Vert.x Kafka consumer record

  3. class KafkaConsumerRecords[K, V] extends AnyRef

    Vert.x Kafka consumer records

  4. class OffsetAndMetadata extends AnyRef

    Provide additional metadata when an offset is committed

  5. class OffsetAndTimestamp extends AnyRef

    Represent information related to a Offset with timestamp information
