
package client

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class HttpRequest[T] extends AnyRef

    A client-side HTTP request.

    A client-side HTTP request.

    Instances are created by an io.vertx.scala.ext.web.client.WebClient instance, via one of the methods corresponding to the specific HTTP methods such as io.vertx.scala.ext.web.client.WebClient#get, etc...

    The request shall be configured prior sending, the request is immutable and when a mutator method is called, a new request is returned allowing to expose the request in a public API and apply further customization.

    After the request has been configured, the methods

    can be called. The sendXXX methods perform the actual request, they can be called multiple times to perform the same HTTP request at different points in time.

    The handler is called back with

    • an io.vertx.scala.ext.web.client.HttpResponse instance when the HTTP response has been received
    • a failure when the HTTP request failed (like a connection error) or when the HTTP response could not be obtained (like connection or unmarshalling errors)

    Most of the time, this client will buffer the HTTP response fully unless a specific is used such as .

  2. class HttpResponse[T] extends AnyRef

    An HTTP response.

    An HTTP response.

    The usual HTTP response attributes are available:

    The body of the response is returned by io.vertx.scala.ext.web.client.HttpResponse#body decoded as the format specified by the io.vertx.scala.ext.web.codec.BodyCodec that built the response.

    Keep in mind that using this HttpResponse impose to fully buffer the response body and should be used for payload that can fit in memory.

  3. class WebClient extends AnyRef

    An asynchronous HTTP / HTTP/2 client called WebClient.

    An asynchronous HTTP / HTTP/2 client called WebClient.

    The web client makes easy to do HTTP request/response interactions with a web server, and provides advanced features like:

    • Json body encoding / decoding
    • request/response pumping
    • error handling

    The web client does not deprecate the , it is actually based on it and therefore inherits its configuration and great features like pooling. The HttpClient should be used when fine grained control over the HTTP requests/response is necessary.

  4. class WebClientOptions extends HttpClientOptions
