
package web

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class Cookie extends AnyRef

    Represents an HTTP Cookie.

    Represents an HTTP Cookie.

    All cookies must have a name and a value and can optionally have other fields set such as path, domain, etc.

    (Derived from io.netty.handler.codec.http.Cookie)

  2. class FileUpload extends AnyRef

    Represents a file-upload from an HTTP multipart form submission.

  3. class Http2PushMapping extends AnyRef
  4. class LanguageHeader extends Locale with ParsedHeaderValue

    A parsed language header.

    A parsed language header. Delivers a more direct access to the individual elements of the header it represents

  5. class Locale extends AnyRef

  6. class MIMEHeader extends ParsedHeaderValue
  7. trait ParsedHeaderValue extends AnyRef
  8. class ParsedHeaderValues extends AnyRef

    A container with the request's headers that are meaningful enough to be parsed Contains:

    A container with the request's headers that are meaningful enough to be parsed Contains:

    • Accept -> MIME header, parameters and sortable
    • Accept-Charset -> Parameters and sortable
    • Accept-Encoding -> Parameters and sortable
    • Accept-Language -> Parameters and sortable
    • Content-Type -> MIME header and parameters
  9. class Route extends AnyRef

    A route is a holder for a set of criteria which determine whether an HTTP request or failure should be routed to a handler.

  10. class Router extends Handler[HttpServerRequest]

    A router receives request from an io.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpServer and routes it to the first matching io.vertx.scala.ext.web.Route that it contains.

    A router receives request from an io.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpServer and routes it to the first matching io.vertx.scala.ext.web.Route that it contains. A router can contain many routes.

    Routers are also used for routing failures.

  11. class RoutingContext extends AnyRef

    Represents the context for the handling of a request in Vert.x-Web.

    Represents the context for the handling of a request in Vert.x-Web.

    A new instance is created for each HTTP request that is received in the of the router.

    The same instance is passed to any matching request or failure handlers during the routing of the request or failure.

    The context provides access to the and and allows you to maintain arbitrary data that lives for the lifetime of the context. Contexts are discarded once they have been routed to the handler for the request.

    The context also provides access to the io.vertx.scala.ext.web.Session, cookies and body for the request, given the correct handlers in the application.

  12. class Session extends AnyRef

    Represents a browser session.

    Represents a browser session.

    Sessions persist between HTTP requests for a single browser session. They are deleted when the browser is closed, or they time-out. Session cookies are used to maintain sessions using a secure UUID.

    Sessions can be used to maintain data for a browser session, e.g. a shopping basket.

    The context must have first been routed to a io.vertx.scala.ext.web.handler.SessionHandler for sessions to be available.
